Friday, May 27, 2011


nice tune :

Heyya =)

still training
still hunting for flats
still preparing for exams
still taking my time to perfect the beat
still not loving police ............. xD

As the latest shots are not free to be published by me, i will feed you with a nice tune and a lovely (but german) postcard *hrhr

... postcard is taking its time uploading -_-

still dre


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A new challenge

As you may noticed, I am very very busy at the minute ;P

this is not due to modeling, but rather due to the fact that my time here in the UK is coming to a close and I am hunting for flats in Budapest.

Also I switched from Capoeira and gym to MMA ( in my case muay thai,boxing, BJJ and wrestling) and i am basically training like a lunatic.

Only have 1 commercial shoot in the next weeks, which means i can go to sparring with the toughest guys for once =)

